zodiac body artemis human nature

The signs of the Zodiac are not limited to the sky only. Every human body is a miniature replica of the larger cosmos, and the Zodiac signs rulership projects itself onto all major parts of the human anatomy.

In previous stories we looked at the phases of the Moon in human life and the seven planets, or the seven ages that constitute a human life. This time we are going to look at our physical bodies and how the signs of the Zodiac can be found in a body of each and every human.

Artemis: The Goddess Of Primal Instincts - Zodiac Body Artemis Human Nature

Understanding our bodies as a harmonious combination reflecting the grand celestial order makes us relate to ourselves in a vastly different manner. Perhaps so much needed self-love can sprout from this deeper relationship to ourselves.

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Why dragons are so popular? Because they symbolise life in its unlimited state. Snakes relate to dragons and as much as their are often feared and perhaps misunderstood, the snake is also the symbol of eternal vitality.

The most famous snake is Ouroboros. The snake originates from ancient Egypt, the name of the snake is of ancient Greek origin – οὐροβόρος — composed from words οὐρά (oura), meaning “tail” and βορά (bora) meaning “food”. The snake that eats its tail.

Ouroboros is the ultimate symbol of infinity. It has the beginning (the head) but has no end. The head symbolises consciousness and its power of the physical body developed through cycles of reincarnations — the eternal spirit “digests” and transforms its frail and temporal physical body.

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The head is the primary seat of consciousness. So let’s rotate the Ouroboros snake to match its head with the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

Have you noticed that the pictogram of Aries looks not only like ram’s horns but also as facial features, nose and brows? This makes sense, Aries is number one.

Now we can follow the sequence of the Zodiac signs and complete human body, from the head to the toes so that the toes will end up just where the dragon’s mouth is.

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It’s worth noting that the nose and nasal bones are actually influenced by Scorpio. The sense of smell is a core function of nature that belongs to the lower chakras.

Taurus also rules the cerebellum, “the small brain” that is common to all vertebrae animals. Cerebellum helps with motor control and language, receives sensory input from the spine — the functionality that clearly falls under the domain of Taurus.

Gemini rules the lungs, the nerves and the hands, including the arms. Gemini is the principle of air and thus brings flexibility, subtle sensations and governs communication. Gemini excites the nervous system, giving trouble to some people who have strong Gemini influence in their charts.

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One may think of Gemini as the symbol for wings. The human anatomy doesn’t have wings but lungs and arms certainly relate to the principle of wings.

Cancer rules the stomach, the chest cavity, the breasts. Cancer is the principle of digestion and nurturing. Cancer is prolific in the areas of multiplication and changing the state of substances (the Moon principle) but doesn’t possess a lot of vitality (the Sun principle).

Zodiac Man - Zodiac Body Artemis Human Nature

The nurturing functions of Cancer extend to the womb. Cancer is the mothering principle. Cancer also rules over internal mucous surfaces of the body.

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Leo represents perhaps the deepest level of energy in a human body. The sign of Leo is the source of vital power and rules over creation and creativity in general.

It’s been well noted that Virgos are usually punctual, picky and look after their hygiene and health in general. Virgo is the principle of selection and utilisation.

The sign of Scorpio is the principle of both procreation and destruction through elimination. Thus majority of excretory functions of the body are ruled by the Scorpio principle (by the way, the nose has that function too).

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Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and thus another important part of human anatomy is ruled by the sign of Capricorn — the skin, especially epidermis that is mostly thus reflecting Saturn’s nature.

Pisces rules over the feet and toes. One may think of the human legs as a tail of the fish, separated into two parts thus presenting the principles of duality and the power of choice between left and right, light or darkness.

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The sign of Pisces relates to humid and cold-blooded principles, Pisces act as the force of relaxation and softening of the tissues.

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Wrapping the human body around the circle of the Zodiac makes exactly what Ouroboros the snake does — connects the feet with the head, the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces, with the first sign, Aries.

That is the infinity found within each human body. It also brings the sense of being complete and harmonious, the foundation for self-love that we mentioned in the opening of this story.In this time of the year many of us run after the perfect gifts for our loved ones. A gift I chose for myself this week was a small silver box with an engraved stag. I saw it at a Christmas open-air market and just had to have it. The reason is obvious enough for Greek myth lovers: the lunar (silver) goddess Artemis, who had deer as her emblem. As a child, Artemis was asked by her father Zeus what she really desired:

 “The infant Artemis sat on Zeus’s lap. She knew what she wanted for the future and told her father all her wishes one by one: to remain forever a virgin, to have many names, to rival her brother, to possess a bow and arrow, …, to hunt wild beasts, to have sixty Oceanides as an escort, … to hold sway over all mountains; she could get by without the cities.” Roberto Calasso

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Her wish was granted. Artemis is this part of the psyche which is primal, wild and unbound; it is the wild hunter in us, not the domesticated farmer. She is alien to settling down, for her thrill is the endless chase. The emotion I associate with this goddess is a feeling of joy and total liberation. She brings the joy of liberation and expresses it through her delightful singing and dancing, as we read in the hymn by Homer:

“…when she is satisfied and has cheered her heart, this huntress who delights in arrows slackens her supple bow and goes to the great house of her dear brother Phoebus Apollo, to the rich land of Delphi, there to order the lovely dance of the Muses and Graces. There she hangs up her curved bow and her arrows, and heads and leads the dances, gracefully arrayed, while all they utter their heavenly voice…”

How To Heal Your Body Using Astrology - Zodiac Body Artemis Human Nature

Her first instinct is to defend. Her fighting skills also resemble those of a dancer; she never attacks head-on, hacking and stabbing, but rather accomplishes a victory gracefully, as was the case in the myth of the Aloadai Giants, who in their youthful foolishness decided to raid the Olympus. The first goddesses they encountered were Hera and Artemis:

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“The first twin, Ephialtes, tried to force his unwanted attentions on Hera, and the second Otos did likewise to Artemis. Artemis escaped from Otos by shape-shifting into a deer, distracting the young giants. Ephialtes and Otos decided they wanted to kill the divine deer. Artemis cunningly ran between them, and as they tried to spear her she moved too swiftly for the cumbersome giants to hit her. As a result they missed and killed each other instead, just as Artemis had planned.” Sorita D’Este

I have been thinking a lot about Artemis recently while researching the symbolism of the arrow and archery for my monthly installment of the Images of the Zodiac. No other weapon is so graceful, so striking as the bow, and Artemis is a master archer. Furthermore, I saw two young graceful stags crossing my path in the woods quite recently, which filled me with enormous joy. Another interesting omen was a piece of information I found out just a few days ago: apparently, the name Berne, the capital of my adopted country, Switzerland, means “she-bear” and a black bear is also the emblem of the city. I turns out that ancient Helvetian tribes used to worship Artemis as She-Bear in this area.

That connects Artemis to the constellation Ursa Major, which in esoteric thought is believed to rule the stars and protect the World Axis (axis mundi). The axis mundi resembles an arrow, so it is fitting that Artemis should guard it. Also, the world axis, where the four compass directions meet, is equaled with the world tree, and Artemis’s home was the woods.

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 “The months and seasons are determined by the revolution of Ursa Major. The tail of the constellation pointing to the east at nightfall announces the arrival of spring, pointing to the south the arrival of summer, pointing to the west the arrival of autumn, and pointing to the north the arrival of winter. … “ Barbara G. Walker

The bear, according to Ted Andrews, is “the true last symbol of the primal, natural world.” It is naturally associated with trees, thanks to its climbing skills and also because of

 - Zodiac Body Artemis Human Nature


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